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Living To Love You (Santos Family Series Book 4) Page 15

  Standing to his feet, Rob looked at Jillian and tapped his index finger to her nose saying, “Miss Barnes, I know what you’re doing. Of course I know all of your tricks by now, and you should know that.”

  “What tricks? I have no idea what you’re talking about, Roberto,” declared Jillian with mock innocence.

  “Yeah, right. Distraction techniques are your specialty, babe, and we both know it,” laughed Rob. It felt good to laugh for a change, and he’d missed doing that with Jillian.

  “Roberto, I’m the one who’s supposed to be suffering from chemo brain, not you. I was merely expressing what I’d like to do to you, if I were able that is. You’re the one who turned it around into some nefarious plot on my part,” Jillian complained trying to hide her own smile. She loved sparring with him, and their easy banter with one another had never waned through the years.

  “Jillian, you were trying to get my mind off the fact that your whacked out mother is coming, and the thought makes me crazy on a good day,” said Rob striding around to the stove to stir the soup. Directing a grin over his shoulder in her direction, Rob’s expression sobered when he saw the pained look on Jillian’s features.

  Circling the island, Rob pulled her body to his again and stroked a hand down her back. “What is it, baby? Talk to me…” pleaded Rob softly.

  “I know it makes you crazy, Rob, and I’m sorry for putting you through it right now. We neither one need this, but I can’t stop her from returning to her own home here in the city,” said Jillian forlornly.

  “No, you can’t, and I get that. This is not your fault, and I’m certainly not upset with you about it,” Rob assured her. The last thing he wanted was for Jillian to think he held her responsible for her bitchy mother’s actions.

  “Hey, I have another great idea…because I am known for them…let’s eat soup and table this subject for now, okay?” suggested Rob with another smile.

  Laughing despite herself, Jillian looked at him and said, “You’re known for your great ideas? By who?”

  Dropping another kiss to her lips, he said, “Why, by everyone who counts, Miss Barnes. Haven’t you been paying attention all these years?”

  Swatting his fine butt as he walked away again, Jillian shook her head and decided to take Rob’s great idea and run with it so to speak. She was going to try to eat soup, and hopefully later she could call Sylvia to report that she had. Jillian knew that nothing would make Syl happier than hearing her soup was exactly what she’d needed, and with any luck maybe it would be.

  A few days later, Jillian sat on the couch visiting with Melanie who’d dropped by with a goody bag full of gifts for her. She’d unashamedly pulled Mel aside when she walked through the door and asked her quietly if she could perhaps stay for a couple of hours. Rico had called earlier wanting Rob to meet up with him and some others to play a few games of basketball, but she’d overheard him refuse saying he really needed to stay in. It was Saturday so he was home for the day, but Jillian was determined to get him out of the house for his own mental state.

  Melanie had readily agreed to stay saying that Gabriela was visiting with Ric and Sylvia this morning until they got their fix of their granddaughter. Jillian had made her way slowly to the bedroom where Rob was dressing and insisted that he go play since Melanie had arrived and wanted to visit. Thankfully he hadn’t figured out her little orchestrated plan, and had left a few minutes later with a big smile on his face and a quick goodbye kiss for her.

  As she scavenged through her gift bag, Jillian exclaimed happily over each item as she pulled them out one by one. Melanie had found lip balm and body cream from a line of products which were recommended for patients undergoing chemo, both of which were silky smooth with no fragrance. They felt heavenly after Jillian had applied both, and she vowed to get the name of the company so she could order more.

  Next she found a pair of incredibly soft lamb’s wool socks, and they too felt wonderful when she slipped them on her feet. She pulled the best gift out last, and as she fingered the exquisitely soft material of the scarf in her hands, Jillian fought the sting of tears pressing against her lids. The pattern was in soft floral colors, and Jillian knew by the feel of the material that it had been expensive. Melanie knew how important fashion was in Jillian’s world, and she’d gone out of her way to find something both useful and beautiful to help fill that void.

  Turning to her friend, Jillian saw the soft smile that lit up Melanie’s features just before the two women embraced in a long hug. Melanie was the first to pull back, and she ran a finger below each eye to catch the tears that were about to fall.

  “Sugar, you’ve made this pregnant girl cry…which isn’t hard to do these days…but I’m so happy you like your gifts,” said Melanie with a sniff.

  “I love them, Mel, but then you knew I would. They’re all just perfect for my needs right now,” said Jillian sincerely. And they were, all the items were things she would use frequently while traveling down this unfamiliar road life had placed her on.

  “Well, I’m just glad I was able to find each and every one of them. Now, how about we put that beautiful scarf to use? The sales lady at the boutique showed me a few fashionable ways to tie it that I think we need to try out,” declared Melanie as she struggled to rise from the couch. Her pregnancy was entering the last few weeks, so maneuvering herself around was a bit of a struggle some days.

  Laughing, Jillian eyed her friend asking, “Mel, what week are you in now, because it looks like that baby is ready to make an appearance?”

  With a wave of her hand in the air, Melanie said, “Oh, I’m at least fifty-two weeks by now, sugar, or that’s what it feels like anyway. I’m at week thirty-seven actually, but I’m already dilated to two centimeters.”

  Pinning Jillian with a fierce look, she warned, “But don’t you dare tell Rico!”

  With an incredulous expression, Jillian said, “What? Mel, you haven’t told him that yet? Don’t you think that’s something he needs to know about?”

  Waving the same hand absently, Melanie shook her head. “Why Lord no, sugar. He’d be beside himself and driving me crazy. He’d probably want to put me on house arrest or something silly like that. No, I’ll just let him live in blissful ignorance for a while longer. I have things to get done before this child arrives, and I don’t have time for my husband’s imminent breakdown right now.”

  Holding her hand out toward Jillian, she said, “Now come on, sugar. Let’s get you fixed up before Rob gets back and he ruins all our fun.”

  With her new scarf fashionably in place a short time later, Jillian was also sporting just a hint of blush on her cheeks and the palest shade of pink gloss on her lips. Melanie had insisted they add a little color along with the scarf, and had even slipped small silver hoops in Jillian’s lobes. Rummaging in Jillian’s closet, Melanie emerged with a pale pink tunic top in soft material that she’d paired with white cotton lounge pants. She helped Jillian get dressed, and then stood back with her hands clasped around her protruding belly.

  “Sugar, you look beautiful! Look in the mirror…I want you to see how pretty you look,” insisted Melanie.

  Jillian turned to the large mirror atop the bedroom dresser and studied her reflection for a long moment. She did look better…more like her former self, minus the scarf covering her baldness of course. The little touches of make-up helped distract from her pale complexion, and the colors of her new scarf coordinated perfectly with the top Melanie had chosen.

  Turning to her friend once again, Jillian held out her arms to envelope Melanie in another hug around the bulk of her belly.

  “Thank you, Mel. I was feeling a little better when I woke up today, and now you’ve made me look better, too,” said Jillian. With a quiet chuckle she went on to add, “Rob won’t even recognize this mysterious woman wearing clothes and make-up when he gets home.”

  Smoothing a hand down Jillian’s arm, Melanie said softly, “Oh, sugar, I think that man would know you anywhere. His fac
e lights up when you’re in the room with him, and he loves you so much.”

  Startled by her friend’s words, Jillian looked closely at Melanie with a puzzled frown. “I never thought it was obvious, Mel. Or at least I never saw it clearly I guess. I’ve spent most of my adult life wondering what Rob was truly feeling, but in all fairness I’m sure he felt the same way.”

  “Honey, it was always obvious to everyone else. That night in Miami…when you showed up at the new club and put on the amazing “I’ve got the kids settled, so I’m all yours honey” routine for the girl he’d been dancing with…well, I was watching his reaction. He was amused of course, but there was also a look of pride there, too. He was proud that you’d walked in and staked your claim on who you wanted, sugar.”

  Smiling at the memory, Jillian shrugged a shoulder and decided to come clean with her friend, “Well, we’re no longer wondering about how the other is feeling, Mel. After all these years we’ve finally admitted it to one another, and it was like being set free or something. Now, it’s just routine to say ‘I love you’, but it never gets old hearing it.”

  Tears welling in her eyes, Melanie pulled Jillian in for another quick hug saying, “That is the best news, sugar. I’m so happy you two finally just came out and said it.”

  Laughing, Jillian shook her head. “Me too, Mel. And it was so strange…it just happened one night…no big fanfare really, and then we were just okay with it all. I remember thinking later how ridiculous it seemed that we’d spent so much time holding everything in, when it was so easy to tell one another how we really felt.”

  “Jillian, the love was there, but you all just needed the right circumstances to realize the importance of owning it to one another,” said Melanie.

  Before Jillian could respond the sound of the doorbell interrupted them, and Melanie quickly assured Jillian she’d get the door. Following slowly behind her friend, Jillian was circling the couch when she stopped in her tracks. She heard Melanie say, “Yes, she’s here. Why don’t you come in?”

  The voice that responded was the cause of Jillian’s halt in mid-stride, and she closed her eyes at hearing her mother’s voice. “I will, thank you. Why my daughter is here when she should be convalescing some place where she can be properly taken care of is beyond me!”

  Jillian steeled herself for her mother’s entrance, but the cloud of expensive perfume reached her first. She felt her stomach do a dive, and then the nausea hit from the cloying smell. Covering her mouth and nose, Jillian willed her stomach under control and hoped it cooperated.

  Sweeping across the room, Monica Rothschild looked at her only child and shook her head.

  “Jillian whatever is wrong with you? Why are you standing there with your hand over your mouth? Come here so I can at least see you for heaven’s sakes.”

  Springing into action, Melanie had already noted the stricken look on Jillian’s face and realized the smell of her mother’s perfume was the problem. And the nerve of this silly cow, wanting Jillian to come to her when the poor thing was obviously trying to keep from upchucking all over the place.

  Melanie swept past Monica saying, “I’m Melanie Santos, and I don’t believe we’ve met. You must be Jillian’s mother, and bless your heart, I can see you obviously don’t understand what’s going on here, sugar.”

  Not breaking stride, Melanie made her way over to Jillian and taking her by the arm she steered her friend to a chair across the room before helping Jillian to sit.

  “Are you okay, sugar? Should I get your medication?” asked Melanie quietly.

  Jillian gave a small shake of her head and said, “No, give me a minute. It was just so strong, and it hit me in a wave.”

  Patting Jillian’s shoulder, Melanie said, “I know, honey, and I’m sorry. I’ve got this, though. You just sit here and rest for a minute.”

  Turning back to the older woman, Melanie said, “Jillian has been very ill from the chemotherapy as you can imagine. Strong odors are especially hard for her, and I think your perfume was a little too much this morning.”

  With a wave of one manicured hand, Monica directed a look of dismissal in Melanie’s direction. “Oh, nonsense! And besides, she had her treatment days ago, she should be past that by now.”

  Melanie felt her patience rapidly fading as she looked at the unbelievably callus woman in front of her. She’d heard stories about Jillian’s mother, and she was now starting to believe that none of them had been exaggerated. From her fashionable hair style to her designer clothes and heels, Monica reminded Melanie just a little too much of her own mother which wasn’t in the other woman’s favor.

  “Well, you would be wrong, ma’am. Jillian is still battling nausea, as well as a host of other things, and she will be for some time to come,” stated Melanie sternly.

  Eyeing the pregnant woman who obviously didn’t understand who she was dealing with, Monica said, “Then I’d say this just proves what I said earlier. If Jillian is still this sick, then obviously she hasn’t been getting the proper care that she needs here with…Rob Santos. I’m here now, however, and we’ll get her moved somewhere else so that will change.”

  Before Jillian could protest, Melanie propped one hand on her hip and leveled her gaze at the offensive woman in front of her. Admittedly, her emotions were running a little high with her pregnancy, but Melanie thought it might be a good thing in this instance.

  “I’ll have you know, ma’am, that Jillian has had excellent care here with Rob. Not to mention that the rest of his family have been here daily to help out in any way that we can. She’s still sick because she’s undergoing chemotherapy for cancer. If there’s any part of that you don’t understand, sugar, I’ll be more than happy to explain the facts to you,” offered Melanie angrily.

  Just as Monica stepped closer to Melanie to deliver her reply, Jillian heard the sound of Rob’s key in the door. She was still battling the nausea, and had her hand clasped over her nose and mouth trying to block any additional scent of her mother’s perfume. Rob stepped through the door, and Jillian saw the instant he noticed her mother standing there. Her stomach chose that moment to give one big heave, and Jillian barely made it to the nearby trash can Rob had placed there before her stomach gave it up in front of everyone.

  Forget what hurt you, but never forget what it taught you.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Rob walked into his own living room and took in several things at once. First, his very pregnant sister-in-law was squared off with Jillian’s mother, and secondly Jillian had just thrown up into a nearby trash can. He could see her body literally shaking from his vantage point at the door, and anger swept through him so fierce that Rob wanted to hit something.

  “What in the hell is going on here? Monica, what have you done?” roared Rob as he quickly dropped his things onto a nearby table and hurried toward Jillian. Supporting her in his arms, Rob tried leading her to the couch but Jillian frantically shook her head and actually resisted against his help.

  “Jillian, you’re scaring me, sweetheart,” said Rob worriedly.

  “Can’t…perfume…too strong…” mumbled Jillian as she continued to cover her nose and mouth with her hand.

  It hit him then, and Rob cursed as he simply picked Jillian up into his arms and changed course toward the bedroom. Her mother’s damn perfume had made her sick, and she’d been having a good morning up until now. Fury swept through him again, but Rob tamped it down until he could get Jillian settled again. When they reached the bed, Rob deposited her gently onto the mattress and then hurried to the bathroom for a wet cloth. Jillian was lying with her eyes closed when he returned, and the gray pallor of her skin was like nothing he’d ever seen before. Dropping to his knees beside the bed, Rob quickly wiped her face with the cloth and waited for her to open her eyes.

  Tears pricked the back of Jillian’s lids, but she willed herself not to cry. Right now her stomach was still churning and she needed her medication. Melanie ha
d offered it before, but she’d thought she had things under control. Unfortunately her mother had continued her tirade, and she’d felt sicker as her anxiety level had risen. Now she’d thrown up in the living room, and poor Melanie was dealing with her mother.

  Glancing at Rob, Jillian swallowed against the emotion and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

  Shushing her while continuing to wipe her face, Rob said, “Hush, you have nothing to be sorry for, understand? I’m going to get your nausea medication and a sip of Gator-Ade to take it with. I’ll be right back.”

  Rising to his feet, Rob strode angrily from the bedroom and back into the living room. Melanie was still holding Monica at bay, and Rob had never been more thankful for his watchdog sister-in-law in his life.

  Walking up to Monica, Rob pointed a finger and said harshly, “What the hell did you do? How long have you been here…five minutes, and you’ve already upset her to the point that she’s throwing up and can barely stand on her own.”

  Rearing back from his attack, Monica narrowed her gaze at the man standing in front of her. “You have no right to speak to me that way, Rob Santos! Jillian is my daughter, and it’s obvious that she needs better care than you’re willing to provide. I’ll make arrangements to have her moved to a private convalescent care facility until this thing is over.”

  A red haze of anger swept through Rob so hard and so fast that his vision blurred for a moment and his head felt like it was going to explode.

  “The fuck you will, Monica! Jillian is staying here…do you understand me? She’s not going anywhere, and especially not to a care center so strangers can take care of her,” shouted Rob.

  Laughing harshly, Rob cut the older woman off before she could spew more venom. “You want to foster her off onto strangers because you’re not willing to do it yourself, isn’t that right, Monica? Well, I guess it’s just like old times then. You’ve never wanted to be bothered when it came to Jillian. And this thing you’re referring to…it’s called cancer, Monica, and she’s fighting for her life whether you choose to see that or not.”